As we are going through the covid 19 crisis and hitting the second wave; it is affecting a large number of individuals irrespective of the age group. From being asymptomatic to being severely infected has taken a heavy toll on the human body. Covid infection has been damaging our lung tissues and thus having a tremendous impact on vital capacity. The evidence put forth that the virus penetrates our lung cells and creates a cascade of events that lead to pneumonic condition i.e. an inflammatory process sets in and thus decreases the space within the lung thereby affecting the breathing process and weakening respiratory muscle strength.
To cope up with the damage it is very crucial to undergo proper rehabilitation with physiotherapy, nutrition, and wellness; so that it would work holistically for a human body to heal better and return them to work. Pulmonary Rehab is a dynamic part that aims at rebuilding and maintaining our respiratory functioning. Undergoing post covid physio rehab has been proven to be beneficial to combat the ill effects of the disease. Focusing on specific breathing techniques creates a positive pressure thereby assisting in the removal of the secretion, maintaining the vital capacity, and increasing the inspiratory volume; thus making our airways healthy!

A combination of Yoga, Nutrition, and Fitness helps to fight against the complications of the disease and helps with a speedy recovery. Promotion and awareness for post covid rehab should be as essential as the rest that is needed during the active disease period. C4 wellness and team is taking an initiative to promote and cater to the problems with our expert team to fight against the complication and make a sound recovery for a Covid fighter!
For further details connect to C4 Integrated Wellness.