While we are going through the Pandemic crisis; it has been a tough time for everyone out there. Many being Covid positive have gone through numerous health issues. The impact of this Pandemic has taken a lot from humans in terms of Biological, Sociological and Psychological From running throughout the day to being under quarantine have left various effects on the physical and mental body.
Taking account our previous working and moving habits in comparison it has reduced tremendously. From working home to being inactive during the quarantine period had got ill effects on overall health. Work from home, working overtime being front liners and women overburdening with the household chores have resulted in body aches and injuries.
Imbalances in the body with respect to blood impairments, nutritional deficiency, and immobility may cause disturbances in healthy working life. Working in improper postures for prolonged hours may give rise to pain and malalignment over a period of time. To prevent such aches and injuries is it very crucial to keep yourself moving. Good Mobility and strength is the key to prevent pain and injury-free life. Maintaining proper norms and regular screening for ourselves may lead us to live long and happy!

- Consult a proper medical practitioner.
- Build a habit of exercising.
- Regular Blood profiling with time intervals.
- Regular body assessment by Physiotherapists.
- Proper Nutrition and hydration for a healthy life.
- Yoga for body and mind.
- Keeping good ergonomic practice.
- Avoid being careless towards yourself.
- Avoid unhealthy eating habits.
- Do not overwork yourself.
- Avoid smoking and over drinking.
- Do not be stagnant in one pose.